Begin the process to become a spiritual director here.
Shekinah: Centre for Deep Listening is excited to announce the start of another cycle of our training program. This cycle is comprised of 2 distinct years. The first year, “Awakening the Inner Mystic”, focuses on deep listening to self and the Sacred, with an emphasis on the Christian contemplative and mystic traditions, and can be taken as a one-year certificate course. Taken as the first (mandatory) year of our two-year spiritual direction program, it builds the foundation required to enter into Year 2, “Practicing the Skills of Spiritual Direction.”
What we believe
We are rooted in the Christian contemplative tradition and are informed by Benedictine spirituality & hospitality, the teachings of Jung, wisdom from the Enneagram, principles of restorative justice, the discipline of reflective practice, embodied spirituality and wisdom from Christian mystics and prophets.
You can read more about our understanding of spiritual direction here.

The Shekinah Formation program makes use of in person, online synchronous and asynchronous (pre-recorded videos) learning. All students are expected to attend the intensive in person unless covid restrictions change.
The rest of the program is online, using the Zoom platform.
Learning in Community
An exciting element of our program is the active involvement of many experienced spiritual directors, who will join us on our seminar days, offering their wisdom and supervision. Guides also help students with facilitated conversations and support throughout the two year program.

Program Components and Dates

​Program Goals
Deepen participants’ capacity for contemplative listening presence
Engage the participants in the ongoing process of discernment
Foster and deepen authentic spirituality
Introduce participants to the theory and practice of spiritual direction
Provide supervision as the participants practice and refine skills of spiritual direction
Provide a prayerful, supportive learning community for the participants
Introduce participants to diverse voices in theology
Teach in a context that takes individual, interpersonal and societal components into account
Increase awareness of trauma and intersectionality